# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys as mod_sys
import math as mod_math
import logging as mod_logging
import urllib as mod_urllib
import os as mod_os
import gpxpy as mod_gpxpy
from PIL import Image as mod_pil_image
from PIL import ImageDraw as mod_pil_draw
import glob as mod_glob
osm_cache_base = r"c:\devel-python\.cache\opencyclemap"
osm_tile_res = 256
def format_time(time_s):
if not time_s:
return 'n/a'
minutes = mod_math.floor(time_s / 60.)
hours = mod_math.floor(minutes / 60.)
return '%s:%s:%s' % (str(int(hours)).zfill(2), str(int(minutes % 60)).zfill(2), str(int(time_s % 60)).zfill(2))
def get_tile_url (x, y, z):
return "http://a.tile.thunderforest.com/{타일종류}/%d/%d/%d.png?apikey={썬더포레스트 api 키}" % (z, x, y)
def get_tile_filename (x, y, z):
return r"c:\devel-python\.cache\opencyclemap\%d\%d\%d.png" % (z, x, y)
def get_map_suffix ():
return "osm-cycle"
def osm_lat_lon_to_x_y_tile (lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom):
""" Gets tile containing given coordinate at given zoom level """
# taken from http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames, works for OSM maps and mapy.cz
lat_rad = mod_math.radians(lat_deg)
n = 2.0 ** zoom
xtile = int((lon_deg + 180.0) / 360.0 * n)
ytile = int((1.0 - mod_math.log(mod_math.tan(lat_rad) + (1 / mod_math.cos(lat_rad))) / mod_math.pi) / 2.0 * n)
return (xtile, ytile)
def osm_get_auto_zoom_level ( min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, max_n_tiles):
""" Gets zoom level which contains at maximum `max_n_tiles` """
for z in range (0,17):
x1, y1 = osm_lat_lon_to_x_y_tile (min_lat, min_lon, z)
x2, y2 = osm_lat_lon_to_x_y_tile (max_lat, max_lon, z)
max_tiles = max (abs(x2 - x1), abs(y2 - y1))
if (max_tiles > max_n_tiles):
print ("Max tiles: %d" % max_tiles)
return z
return 17
def osm_cache_tile (x,y,z):
""" Downloads tile x,y,x into cache. Directories are automatically created, existing files are not retrieved. """
src_url = get_tile_url(x,y,z)
dst_filename = get_tile_filename(x,y,z)
dst_dir = mod_os.path.dirname(dst_filename)
if not mod_os.path.exists(dst_dir):
if mod_os.path.isfile (dst_filename):
print ("Downloading %s ..." % src_url)
request = mod_urllib.request.Request (src_url)
response = mod_urllib.request.urlopen (request)
data = response.read()
f = open(dst_filename, "wb")
class MapCreator:
""" Class for map drawing """
def __init__(self, min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, z):
""" constructor """
x1, y1 = osm_lat_lon_to_x_y_tile (min_lat, min_lon, z)
x2, y2 = osm_lat_lon_to_x_y_tile (max_lat, max_lon, z)
self.x1 = min (x1, x2)
self.x2 = max (x1, x2)
self.y1 = min (y1, y2)
self.y2 = max (y1, y2)
self.w = (self.x2 - self.x1 + 1) * osm_tile_res
self.h = (self.y2 - self.y1 + 1) * osm_tile_res
self.z = z
print (self.w, self.h)
self.dst_img = mod_pil_image.new ("RGB", (self.w, self.h))
def cache_area(self):
""" Downloads necessary tiles to cache """
print ("Caching tiles x1=%d y1=%d x2=%d y2=%d" % (self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2))
for y in range (self.y1, self.y2 + 1):
for x in range (self.x1, self.x2 + 1):
osm_cache_tile (x, y, self.z)
def create_area_background(self):
""" Creates background map from cached tiles """
for y in range (self.y1, self.y2+1):
for x in range (self.x1, self.x2+1):
src_img = mod_pil_image.open (get_tile_filename (x, y, z))
dst_x = (x-self.x1)*osm_tile_res
dst_y = (y-self.y1)*osm_tile_res
self.dst_img.paste (src_img, (dst_x, dst_y))
except Exception as e:
print("Error processing file " + get_tile_filename (x, y, z))
def lat_lon_to_image_xy (self, lat_deg, lon_deg):
""" Internal. Converts lat, lon into dst_img coordinates in pixels """
lat_rad = mod_math.radians(lat_deg)
n = 2.0 ** self.z
xtile_frac = (lon_deg + 180.0) / 360.0 * n
ytile_frac = (1.0 - mod_math.log(mod_math.tan(lat_rad) + (1 / mod_math.cos(lat_rad))) / mod_math.pi) / 2.0 * n
img_x = int( (xtile_frac-self.x1)*osm_tile_res )
img_y = int( (ytile_frac-self.y1)*osm_tile_res )
return (img_x, img_y)
def draw_track (self, gpx):
""" Draw GPX track onto map """
draw = mod_pil_draw.Draw (self.dst_img)
trk = 0 # Just changes color of segment a little
for track in gpx.tracks:
for segment in track.segments:
idx = 0
x_from = 0
y_from = 0
for point in segment.points:
if (idx == 0):
x_from, y_from = self.lat_lon_to_image_xy (point.latitude, point.longitude)
x_to, y_to = self.lat_lon_to_image_xy (point.latitude, point.longitude)
# draw.line ((x_from,y_from,x_to,y_to), (255,0,trk), 2)
draw.line((x_from,y_from,x_to,y_to), (1, 1, 1), 10)
x_from = x_to
y_from = y_to
idx += 1
trk += 32
if (trk > 160):
trk = 0
def save_image(self, filename):
print("Saving " + filename)
self.dst_img.save (filename)
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
gpx_files = mod_glob.glob (r"{gpx 저장 경로}\*.gpx")
for gpx_file in gpx_files:
gpx = mod_gpxpy.parse(open(gpx_file, encoding='UTF8'))
# Print some track stats
print ('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------')
print (' GPX file : %s' % gpx_file)
start_time, end_time = gpx.get_time_bounds()
print(' Started : %s' % start_time)
print(' Ended : %s' % end_time)
print(' Length : %2.2fkm' % (gpx.length_3d() / 1000.))
moving_time, stopped_time, moving_distance, stopped_distance, max_speed = gpx.get_moving_data()
print(' Moving time : %s' % format_time(moving_time))
print(' Stopped time : %s' % format_time(stopped_time))
# print(' Max speed : %2.2fm/s = %2.2fkm/h' % (max_speed, max_speed * 60. ** 2 / 1000.))
uphill, downhill = gpx.get_uphill_downhill()
print(' Total uphill : %4.0fm' % uphill)
print(' Total downhill: %4.0fm' % downhill)
min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon = gpx.get_bounds()
print(" Bounds : [%1.4f,%1.4f,%1.4f,%1.4f]" % (min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon))
z = osm_get_auto_zoom_level (min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, 6)
print(" Zoom Level : %d" % z)
# Create the map
map_creator = MapCreator (min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon, z)
map_creator.save_image (gpx_file[:-4] + '.png')
except Exception as e:
print('Error processing %s' % gpx_file)